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Freitag, 25. Dezember 2009

Articles / Aufsätze


  1. Kurisukal Shardante Veekshanathil ( Cross according to the Theology of T. Chardin/Über die Philosophie des Kreuzes nach T. Schardain ), Satyadeepam, 55, 1982.

  2. Mahatma Gandiyude Iswaranveekshanavum Satyanubhavavum, (Gandhi’s Experience of Truth and God/Gandhis Suche nach Gott und der Wahrheit), Satyadeepam, 56, 1982.

  3. The Hindu personality in education - Tagore, Gandhi, Aurobindo - Cenkner,W: book review // Journal of Dharma, V7, N4, 1982, 1983.


  1. Mahatvapurnamaya Mathrutvam (Glorious Motherhood/Über die Mutterschaft der heiligen Maria), Satyadeepam, 57, 1983.

  2. Pratyasanirbharamaya Kathirippu, (Hopefull Expectation in the Period of Advent/Hoffnungsvolle Erwartung der Adventszeit), Satyadeepam, 57, 1983.

  3. Gita’s Vision of Liberation, Dharmaram Annual, Bangalore, 1983.


  1. Symbolism of the Monogram OM, Journal of Dharma, IX, 2, Bangalore, 1984.

  2. Bhagavadgithayude Vimochanadarsanam (Liberation Philosophy of Bhagavadgita/Befreiungsphilosophie von Bhagavadgita), Samarpitha, Jan-Feb., Trissur, 1984, 38-43.


  1. Swatantrya Sankalpangalum Samaronmughathayum, (Diffenrent Concepts of Peace and the Tendancies of Streit/Verschiedene Begriffe des Friedens und die Tendenz des Streikes), Deepanalam, Pala, 1985.


  1. Mahatmavinte Tantram, (Gandhian Method/Die Methode von Mahatma Gandhi), Deepanalam, Pala, 1986.

  2. Vimochanadeivasastram,Gandhiyan Veekshanam, (Gandhian Theology of Liberation/Befreiungstheologie: Modell von Gandhi), Kudumbadeepam, Thevara, 1986.

  3. Sanmanassullavarku Samadhanam, (Peace to the People of good Will/Friede für die Menschen des guten Willens), Deepanalam, Pala, 1986.

  4. Sapathinte Stanam Bharathiyasanyasathil (The Place of Wealth in the Indian Sanyasa), Samarpitha, 19, 4, April, Pala, 1986, 18-23.

  5. Vilikelkkan (To hear the call/ Um den Ruf zu hören), Sneehadooth, 3,3, Aug., Aluva, 1986, 11-14.

  6. Vasam Cheruka (To Joint he Side/ Auf die Seite zu stehen), Snehadooth, 3, 5, december, Aluva, 1986, 23-24.


  1. Thirumurivinte Darsanam (Philosophy of the sacred Wound/Philosophie der heiligen Wunden), Deepanalam, 29,9, April, 30, Pala, 1987.

  2. Gandhian Darsanangal (Philosophy of Gandhi/Philosophie von Gandhi) Deepanalam, 20, 26, Pala, 1987.

    • Iswaraviswasam (Faith in God/Glaube an Gott), Deepanalam, August, 20, 26, Pala, 1987.

    • Arupiyaya Daivam (God as Spirit/Gott als Geist), Deepanalam, 20, 27, Pala, 1987.

    • Niyamavum Niyamadathavum (Law and Lawgiver/ Gesetz und der Gesetzgeber), Deepanalam, 20, 28, September 3, Pala, 1987.

    • Iswaranodu Prathickanamo? (Should we pray to Gott?/ Müssen wir zu Gott beten?), Deepanalam, 20, 28, September 17, Pala, 1987.

    • Avataram (Incarnation/Menschwerdung), Deepanalam, 20, 30, September, 25, Pala, 1987.

    • Sarvagunasampurnata (Owner of all the Virtues/Inhaber aller Tugenden), Deepanalam, 20, 31, October 1, Pala, 1987.

    • Iswaran Satyavum Ahimsayum (God Truth and Non-violence?Gott als Wahrheit und Gewaltlosigkeit), Deepanalam, 20, 32, October 7, Pala, 1987.

    • Snehavum Nirbhayathvavum (Love and Fearlessness/Liebe und Angstlosigkeit), Deepanalam, 20, 33, October 15, Pala, 1987.

    • Nanmayum Saunnaryavum (Goodness and Beauty ?Güte und Schönheit), Deepanalam, 20, 34, October 21, Pala, 1987.

    • Iswarakarmam (The Work of God/Gottes Werk) Deepanalam, 20, 35, October 28, Pala, 1987.

    • Samuhyapravarthanavum Iswarapoojayum (Social Work and Worship of God/Sozialarbeit und Anbetung Gottes), Deepanalam, 20, 36November, 5, Pala, 1987.

    • Sahajarile Iswaradarsanam (Experience of God in the fellow human beings/Erfahrung Gottes im Mitmenschen), Deepanalam, 20, 37, November 12, Pala, 1987.

    • Jeevanile Jeevatham (Essence of Life and Life/Das Leben und das Lebensein), Deepanalam, 20, 38, November, 19, Pala, 1987.

    • Saccidanandam Deepanalam, 20, 39, November 25, Pala, 1987.

    • Satyam Iswarananu (Go dis Truth/Gott ist Wahrheit), Deepanalam, 20, 40, November 30, Pala, 1987.

    • Nireeswaravadikalude Iswaraviswasam (The Faith of the Atheists/Der Glaube der Atheisten), Deepanalam, 20, 41, December 6, Pala, 1987.

    • Advaitham, Deepanalam, 20, 42, December 17, Pala, 1987.

    • Sarvodayam, 20, 43, December 24, Pala, 1987.

    • Bhudanum Sarvodayavum, Deepanalam, 21, 1, January 7, Pala, 1988.

    • Sarvodayam Sarvaam, Deepanalam21, 2, January 14, Pala, 1988.

    • Sarvodayavum Ramarajyavum, (Sarvodaya and the Kingdom of Rama/ Sarvodaya und das Reich Ramas), Deepanalam, 21, 3, January 21, Pala, 1988.

    • Gramoddharanam, (Welfare of Villages/Betreuung der Dörfer), Deepanalam, 21, 4, January 28, Pala, 1988.

    • Svayam Paryapthamaya Gramangal, (Selfsuficient Villages/Selbstständige Dörfer), Deepanalam, 21, 5, January 27, Pala, 1988.

    • Gramangalude Viplavaganam (revolutionary Song of the Villages/Revolutionslied der Dörfer), Deepanalam, 21, 6, February 6, Pala, 1988.

    • Dharmikamaya sambathikatha, (Moral Economy), Deepanalam, 21, 7, February 14, Pala, 1988.

    • Bharatiyamaya Vyavasayavalkaranam, (Indian Industrialization/Indische Industrialisierung), Deepanalam, 21, 8, October, 25, Pala, 1988.

    • Ghadiprasthanam, (Ghadi Movement/Ghadibewegung), Deepanalam, 21, 9, March, 9, 1988.

    • Vyaktivikasam (Personality development / Personalitätsentwicklung), Deepanalam, 21, 10, March, 17, 1988.

    • Vidyabhyasam (Education / Erziehungswissenschaft), Deepanalam, 21, 11, March, 24, 1988.

    • Vikendriyamaya Rashtriyavyavasthithi (Decentralized Political System/ Das nichtzentralisiert politische System), Deepanalam, 21, 12, April, 14, 1988.

    • Thanathaya Socialism, (Original Socialism/Eigene Sozialismus), Deepanalam, 21, 13, April, 20, 1988.

  3. Aennennum Nilavilikelkkan, (To hear the Cry always/ Immer um den Schrei zu hören), Samarpitha, 20.1, Jan. 1987, 32-35.

    • Karunyathinte Divya-jiva Mukhangal (The living and divine faces of Compassion/ Das lebende und heilige Gesicht des Erbarmens), I, Snehadooth, 4,2, July 1987.

    • Karunyathinte Divya-jiva Mukhangal (The living and divine faces of Compassion/ Das lebende und heilige Gesicht des Erbarmens), II, Snehadooth, 4,3, October, 1987, 3-5.

    • Karunyathinte Divya-jiva Mukhangal (The living and divine faces of Compassion/ Das lebende und heilige Gesicht des Erbarmens), III, Snehadooth, 4, 4, December, 1987, 4-6.

    • Karunyathinte Divya-jiva Mukhangal (The living and divine faces of Compassion/ Das lebende und heilige Gesicht des Erbarmens), III, Snehadooth, 4,1, March 1988.


  1. Vorwort zu Cyriac Thekkekuttu, Saukhyadayakananya Yesu (Der heilbrigende Jesus), Aluva, 1990, 3-7.


  1. Encounter of the Jewish Culture with the Indian Culture, in A. Thottakara, Indian 2. Interpretation of the Bible, Bangalore, 2001.

  2. Grüß Gott, St. Quirin, München, 2001, 3-3.


  1. Brief an die Gemeinde, Pfarrbrief, St. Quirin, Oktober, 2002, 36-36.


  1. Gott zeigt sein wahres Gesicht, Pfarrbrief, St. Quirin, München, Dezember, 2002, 3-4.

  2. Editorial, Pfarrbrief, St. Quirin, München, Dezember, 2003, 2-2.


  1. Editorial, Pfarrbrief, St. Quirin, München, Maerz, 2004, 2-2.

  2. Editorial, Pfarrbrief, St. Quirin, München, Juli, 2004, 2-2.

  3. Editorial, Pfarrbrief, St. Quirin, München, Oktober, 2004, 2-2.

  4. Editorial, Pfarrbrief, St. Quirin, München, Dezember, 2004, 2-2.


  1. Vorwort, 525 Jahre Aubinger Kirchweihe, München, Juli, 2005, 3-3.

  2. Grußwort, 125 Jahre Männergesangverein, München, 2004, 3.

  3. Lebe und blühe, wo Du gepflanzt wirst, Pfarrbrief St. Quirin, München, Juli, 2005, 3-7.


  1. Do not save Time, Spend Time: Some Unconventional Reflections on Time, Amaldooth, IX, 3, January, 2006.

  2. Nikhya Soonahados, (Das Konzil von Nicäa), in Jacob Naluparayil, Davinci Code Vasthuthayum Bhavanayum, Karunikan Publications, 2006, 132-151.

  3. Nikhya Soonahados, (Das Konzil von Nicäa), in Karunikan, 3,6, June, 2006.

  4. Vatican Council, Charitravum Sandesavum I (Das zweite vatikanische Konzil: Geschichte und Botschaft, I), Karunikan, 3, 6 June, 2006.

  5. Vatican Council, Charitravum Sandesavum II (Das zweite vatikanische Konzil: Geschichte und Botschaft, II), 3, 7, Karunikan, July, 2006.

  6. Vatican Council, Charitravum Sandesavum III (Das zweite vatikanische Konzil: Geschichte und Botschaft, III), Karunikan, 3, 8, August, 2006.

  7. Vatican Council, Charitravum Sandesavum IV (Das zweite vatikanische Konzil: Geschichte und Botschaft ,IV), Karunikan, 3, 9, September, 2006.

  8. Vatican Council, Charitravum Sandesavum V, Nalu Sammelanangal, (Das zweite vatikanische Konzil: Geschichte und Botschaft, V, Vier Versammlungen), Karunikan, 3, 10, October, 2006.

  9. Vatican Council, Charitravum Sandesavum VI, Aradhanakramam, (Das zweite vatikanische Konzil: Geschichte und Botschaft, VI, Liturgie), Karunikan, 3, 11, November, 2006.


  1. Vatican Council, Charitravum Sandesavum VII, Araddhanakramam Continued, (Das zweite vatikanische Konzil: Geschichte und Botschaft , VII, Liturige, 2), Karunikan, , 4, 1, January, 2007.

  2. Vatican Council, Charitravum Sandesavum VIII, Janathakalude Prakasham,( Das zweite vatikanische Konzil: Geschichte und Botschaft VIII, Die Kirche), Karunikan, , 4, 2, February, 2007.

  3. Vatican Council, Charitravum Sandesavum, IX, Thirusabha, (Das zweite vatikanische Konzil: Geschichte und Botschaft IX, Die Kirche), Karunikan, , 4, 3, March, 2007.

  4. Vatican Council, Charitravum Sandesavum, X, (Das zweite vatikanische Konzil: Geschichte und Botschaft, X, Die Kirche), Karunikan, , 4, 4, April, 2007.

  5. Adyakurbanasvikaranam Pariseelanareethikal, (Erstkommunion, Neue Wege zur Vorbereitung), Karunikan, , 4, 4, April, 2007

  6. Vatican Council, Charitravum Sandesavum, X, (Das zweite vatikanische Konzil: Geschichte und Botschaft, X, Die Kirche), Karunikan, , 4, 5, May, 2007.

  7. “Foreword” in Francis Kodiyan, Rainbow: Theological Foundation of the Jesus Fraternity and Prison Ministry India, Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, xi-xix.

  8. “Ecclesial Dimension of Deus caritas est”, in Francis Kodiyan, Ed., The Eucharist An Antidote in Death Culture, Thamarassery, 2007, 94-116.

  9. ”Eucharist: A Mystery to be Believed”, in Francis Kodiyan, Ed., The Eucharist: An Antidote in Death Culture, Thamarassery, 2007, 194-222.


  1. Kristhu: Manushyamahathvathinte Undathamathruka, (Christ: Beispiel der Menschlichkeit/ Christ: Example of being Human9 Jeevadhara, March, 2008 (Malayalam).

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